Thursday, August 11, 2016

A New Beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog! This is a new start for me. I had a previous blog that I decided to quit. Well, actually, I just wasn't as dedicated. I was in the middle of finishing my first novel, The Son of Eden, and I just wanted all of my energy focused on that endeavor. Now, that book has been completed and I am currently on the quest to find representation for my work and actually pave a way for myself in the field of storytelling.

So, what can you expect from this blog?

Well, I'd say a lot. This entire experience is new to me. I've always wanted to be a writer but my life plans took a detour for about 13+ years. Suddenly, two years ago, I decided to pick up the pen again. I'm learning how to write, again. Coming up with a story is easy for me. I see all the characters, the setting and the ending, very quickly, but sitting down and actually creating a story full of life from start to finish is a completely new beast for me! I'll also be writing a lot about my experience querying and trying to find representation.

Also, a goal of mine is to "always write", so expect to see updates (excerpts, pictures, etc) about any short stories I may be working on at the time.

Lastly, even though I'm on this journey, I'm still (much like you) inundated with everyday life so, I will also use this space to talk about anything and everything that happens to cross my mind at the time!


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