Friday, August 26, 2016

The Voice

As of today, my short story "The Voice" is available through Amazon! It cost .99 or free through Kindle Unlimited.

After we die, where do we go? Some go to Heaven, some go to Hell, and others go somewhere entirely different. In this different place, people are given the chance to decide: Move on or, go back and try again? 
After losing the love of his life, Miguel decides that his life is no longer worth living. Now, Miguel is in a strange place -- which is not exactly Heaven and not exactly Hell -- and he must decide if who he left behind are worth the effort of going back to try again.

If anyone buys/reads it, thank you and I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to any feedback! 

Busy working on the next short story. 

Keep Writing!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Busy Week

I've neglected my blog for a few days but I swear it was not on purpose. Where to start? First, my dog got sick (he's all good now)! Then I was working on the second draft of my short story, The Voice, and then just life.

So, what are the next plans?

That's actually what I'm trying to decide right now. My options are: Write another short story (will most likely be my choice), go into read and research mode for the next month or so, or start making the outlines of the novels/stories I want to write.

While I'm doing one of the above tasks, I will most likely update you all on the novels or short story collections I am reading, and share some of the blog posts from blogs that I like to read.

Until then,
 Keep Writing!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I Saw Suicide Squad...

...And that's pretty much all I have to say about it. I really wish they made this movie as an animated film instead.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Plans For The Summer

I work with an editor, and she's great (FYI)! She and I came up with a plan that by the end of the summer, which I'm officially marking as October 1st, to have multiple short stories completed.

One, I have to keep writing. I don't want to be one of those people who've always wanted to be a writer, write one novel, and then quit. I have way too many stories in my head that need to be put to the page.

Another reason is to build my writing résumé.

So, what exactly is the plan? That is simple: write, edit, rewrite, edit, rewrite and then post it online. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to post it here or post it somewhere else like Amazon.

The story that I am working on now is titled "The Voice". It is a short about suicide and a conversation between the main character and (possibly) God. It's discusses self-perception, knowing your life's importance to others, how your choices affect your loved ones and, ultimately, redemption.

As of right now, in the first edit round, the story is completed at 25-pages. I actually should be working on it right now, but it is hard to concentrate. First round editing is always the hardest for me, plus this story has some personal pieces in it that are hard for me to read over and over again.

Anyway, instead of continuing my procrastination, I'll get back to editing.

Keep Writing!


What exactly is querying?

Well, for me, it is when you are really proud of work that you've done but you would like to have strangers tell you that it is not good enough to even consider reading! At least that is my definition. Querying is actually a process that you go through to try to secure an agent for your work, and it is by far the most gut-wrenching thing in the process of writing thus far. Why? Because, like I said above, I am reaching out to a stranger with a brief bit of history about myself and the synopsis to my novel and hoping for the best.

So far, my hopes have been shot out of the sky!

From what I've been told, the basic query letter should go as follows:

Paragraph One: Grab the agent's attention and entice them with your story in the first paragraph. In my query, I used this, "... if you desire for books to have characters that are diverse and complicated, set against a supernatural world then my novel will be a good fit for your list."

Paragraph Two: A brief description about your novel. For example: The Son of Eden is an Urban fantasy novel about "blah, blah, blah,blah, blah!". And then end it it with, "my novel will appeal to fans of (an already published and, hopefully, successful author)" so you can show the agent that your story is marketable!

Paragraph Three/Last Paragraph: Wrap it all up in a package that tells a little bit about yourself, like: "This is my first novel, etc."

And so far, I've followed that formula and it has currently landed me six solid rejections!

That's the disheartening part of all of this. There is a stranger telling you "No" and it feels like your world is crumbling apart. Briefly... then you write another query and send it on!

Why? Because this is my dream, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stop because six people didn't want to read my work!

Keep Writing!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

A New Beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog! This is a new start for me. I had a previous blog that I decided to quit. Well, actually, I just wasn't as dedicated. I was in the middle of finishing my first novel, The Son of Eden, and I just wanted all of my energy focused on that endeavor. Now, that book has been completed and I am currently on the quest to find representation for my work and actually pave a way for myself in the field of storytelling.

So, what can you expect from this blog?

Well, I'd say a lot. This entire experience is new to me. I've always wanted to be a writer but my life plans took a detour for about 13+ years. Suddenly, two years ago, I decided to pick up the pen again. I'm learning how to write, again. Coming up with a story is easy for me. I see all the characters, the setting and the ending, very quickly, but sitting down and actually creating a story full of life from start to finish is a completely new beast for me! I'll also be writing a lot about my experience querying and trying to find representation.

Also, a goal of mine is to "always write", so expect to see updates (excerpts, pictures, etc) about any short stories I may be working on at the time.

Lastly, even though I'm on this journey, I'm still (much like you) inundated with everyday life so, I will also use this space to talk about anything and everything that happens to cross my mind at the time!
